March 17, 2009

I am constantly impressed with the ability to express yourself. Everyone and everybody has an opportunity at some point to show their true colors. I believe that this is a generation of expression and influence. A lot of people are tired of the usual and norm, and are shifting into an era of showing how they are different. 

Welp, I think this is great. My opportunity to not only show my true colors but shed light on who I am has been long over due. So here is me.

I am blessed to live a life and walk with my Savior Jesus Christ. He has done so much for me and my life and expressed his unfailing love for me, that in this time of expression, I will express to the fullest how he has saved my life!

What will you express?

Shot out to Katie N. she once said "Imma be me"


  Chantal Noelle Cabildo

March 17, 2009 at 1:36 PM

great song!