
GOD is ruler over my life. I am so amazed by Jesus and his awsome presence. God continue to poor your holy spirit over my life.

This weekend was truly AMAZING. I cannot begin to tell you the things that went on. Everything just seemed to fall into place. All honor and glory to Jesus Christ.

Sometimes we dont understand why we are put through things and why things turn out the way they do but I dont think its always meant for us to understand. Our God is faithful and will do according to his will. It is our job for us to submit to his plan.

Because I only got one life to live and obeying God is how i am going to Live it!

1L2L 2009 POEM

Beating to the sound of triumph my heart beats boldly before a blessing
Bracing backwards before confessing
That this life has a call.
Like hawks hovering humonges hopeless hills searching for prey
This heart hopes healing Hayward never letting souls go astray every day.
So I ask you this day what is your call
You come from a family, a city, relationship and are equip to flip that setting upside down. For it is said you were knit in your mothers womb, He the most high created your innermost being Psalm 139:13
You are existing because
He designed you, and put you in a place for a reason. 
This is your season to unleash the leadership to break through walls, make them crumble helping those around you move forward without the stumble.
Like lions we lead the pack. Letting leadership let loose like whip cracks
So like jim crow laws, lets take back the name of Jesus and shout it from the mountain tops
Like the famers go to your city’s plant the seeds and mound the crops
Plant the seeds on the good soil for he who does is the man who hears the word and understands He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."
It is your very own choice to live the life you live