How Im feeling at 7:56pm

       Walking down from the top of the HILL, my eyes fluttered left to right, realizing that I am truly blessed to be where I am at, at this specific moment. Now physically its cool too but spiritually, I cant begin to describe to you how awesome my relationship is with the man upstairs. (coolest photo I have taken with my new camera)

This one is for you BBO

I cannot tell you what a best friend means to me. Waking up at 8 a.m. on the usual is like trying to get me to speak fluent spanish, I JUST CANT DO IT. However, I've got a best friend that not only can wake me up when the birds are chirppin', but can also order my food when we go to Mexican restaurants. Now you may be thinking "Well I got a friend who can do that too"! Well how about a friend who takes time out of their day to make me my favorite spaghetti, THEN ship it overnight, just so I can have the perfect Valentines present, IN kentucky. Still not impressed? Alright, my best friend is so best friend that she can draw DISNEY characters. Nowwww..... if your not impressed by that, then call me "Ray" because I just don't see it. Well, what really matters not matter what anybody thinks is that I am impressed by you Beatriz Villalobos. I just want to say thank you for not only being my love but being a friend to count on for luxury laughs and successful support in whatever I do. And for everybody else out there she is the best girl a guy could have because she loves Jesus! Man BBO your Tight! and from no-mans land out here in KY I miss you.

Spring is here, into action

The last two weeks have been a transition. No not a personal transition but a beautiful nature transition. Like if the last two weeks were to represented by a flower, today was its bloom. 

I get up brush the fangs, put on the clothes and start walking to another day of lecutres that are likely to be redundant. However, instead of this day being the "same ol' same ol'" BAM! Spring time slaps me in my face. I immedaitaley walked right back in the dorm... throw on a spring hat, shades and white t with shorts to celebrate such a non-traditional holiday. Because for me when spring peaks its 70 degree weather face at me, its time to celebrate.
Being Spring time, a thought came to my mind. I went back for this one, third grade in-fact. Do you remember when all your teachers or parents or authority use to say, "Spring is here now its time to spring into action!" WELP to be quite honest i use to hate when they would say it, not because i wasnt ready for action but simply it was so cliche'. However not matter how typical this phrase may be this time of year, Im going to listen to it. I am tired of having the same routine everyday over and over again. Its usually eat, school and sleep. NAW FORGET THAT! There is so much more for me to grab out there, so am gonna "Spring into action" and grab it. Its time to evolve and expand my skills, and the only way to do that is to practice them.

Hey its spring time, GRASP IT!


Last night was crazy. My school had the lead most of the game with a 17 pt lead being the highest. In the final three minutes ILL came with in three. Horrible
officiating made the game close at the end. People yelling
"THAT WAS A HORRIBLE CALL!!!" was what filled the air at Derek's apartment. But when it was all said and done...Wku pulled through. Lets go TOPS!

March 17, 2009

I am constantly impressed with the ability to express yourself. Everyone and everybody has an opportunity at some point to show their true colors. I believe that this is a generation of expression and influence. A lot of people are tired of the usual and norm, and are shifting into an era of showing how they are different. 

Welp, I think this is great. My opportunity to not only show my true colors but shed light on who I am has been long over due. So here is me.

I am blessed to live a life and walk with my Savior Jesus Christ. He has done so much for me and my life and expressed his unfailing love for me, that in this time of expression, I will express to the fullest how he has saved my life!

What will you express?

Shot out to Katie N. she once said "Imma be me"